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Rail transport infrastructure in Colombia: current issues, problems, policies and prospects


The availability of competitive rail infrastructure makes possible the progress and economic and social growth of countries, their territories, regions and cities. However, its development in Colombia is still scarce. The objective is to make a reflection about the strategies that allow the development of the railway infrastructure in the country. The methodology consists of a synthesis of the development and current figures from governmental entities; the perceptions of experts in relation to current problems; and the applicable regulatory and public policy instruments. Based on these elements, a proposal of strategic pillars for the development of railroad infrastructure in Colombia is formulated. It is concluded that regulations and public policies are necessary to enable the implementation and development of the proposed strategies, which are in line with the most recent vision of railroad development proposed by government authorities.


infraestructura de transportes, transporte férreo, política gubernamental, prospectiva, Colombia

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Author Biography

Julián Rodrigo Quintero González

Ingeniero en Transporte y Vías, UPTC; Especialista en Geotecnia Vial y Pavimentos, USTA; Especialista en Planeación Urbana, COLMAYOR; Especialista en Planeación y Gestión del Desarrollo Teritorial, UPTC; Magíster en Ingeniería Ambiental, UPTC; Magíster en Derecho Privado, Persona y Sociedad con Énfasis en Derecho del Transporte, Logística e Infraestructura, U. EXTERNADO. Director Ejecutivo y de Proyectos e Investigador de AHCTTUM Quintero-G Ingeniería S.A.S. Líneas de investigación: Transporte y Ambiente, Derecho del Transporte, Planeación Urbana, Movilidad Urbana, Gestión

Mónica Marcela Salomón Molano

Ingeniera en Transporte y Vías, UPTC; Especialista en Derecho de la Infraestructura, Universidad Externado de Colombia. Investigadora del Grupo RAU de AHCTTUM Quintero-G Ingeniería S.A.S. Colombia, Tunja.



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