Social investment law or tax reform? Luis Eudoro Vallejo Zamudio PDF (Español) PDF HTML (Español) HTML XML
Communication, Strategic Moves, and Commitment: An Analysis from the Experimental Economics Luis Alejandro Palacio Garcia, Brayan Snehider Díaz Pérez PDF (Español) HTML (Español) XML (Español)
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Business External Commercial Dynamics of Argentina in the Government of Cambiemos (2015-2019) Gustavo García Zanotti, Martín Schorr PDF (Español) HTML (Español) XML (Español)
Human Capital and Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence for South America Oscar Hernán Cerquera Losada, María de los Ángeles Clavijo Tovar, Carla Yanella Pérez Peña PDF (Español) HTML (Español) XML (Español)
Financial Inclusion, Electronic Payment Methods and Tax Evasion: Economic Analysis and Application in Argentina Florencia Verónica Pedroni, Gabriela Pesce, Anahí Briozzo PDF (Español) HTML (Español) XML (Español)
Entrepreneurial Profile of Microentrepreneurs in the States of Mexico and Chiapas Alberto Bucardo Castro, María Luisa Saavedra García, Teresa de Jesús Vargas Vega PDF (Español) HTML (Español) XML (Español)
The Effects of Corruption on Government Spending in the States of Colombia Juan Camilo Galvis Ciro, Guillermo David Hincapié-Vélez PDF (Español) HTML (Español) XML (Español)