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Water requirements of carrot (D. carota L.) ln three stages of development


Among the main production systems in the department of Boyaca is the carrot (D. carota L.), which participates with 1093 ha, especially in Ventaquemada, Samaca and Tunia municipalities. The Chantenay hybrids Ventaquemada have an average yield of 20 t.ha-1, which is low compared to the Sabana de Bogota 28.1 t.ha-1. Limiting production factors in the area are: lack of irrigation, absence of high agronomic requirements seeds (appropriate mechanization soil, proper fenilizationn.), and presence of pathogens and weeds. The purpose of this paper was to find the water requirements of the crop in three phenological phases (growth, maturity and Elongation harvestable organ). lt was developed in the second half of 2014, in \/entaquemada, Bojirque path; the assessment phase was carried out under a stratified sampling design, destructive samples were taken every 30 days from planting. The Kc value was determined using the methodology proposed by FAO.

Two lysimeters of 1 m3 capacity were installed in order to establish the water consumption of the crop. ETo was obtained with the climatic data taken by the wireless weather station Ambient Weather WS-2080 installed on the site, which is analyzed through the Penman-lvionteith CROPWAT leaning the software. The Kc for each phenological stage was: 0.14 growth phase, 0.29 elongation phase, and 0.55 maturity phase of harvestable organ.


vegetable, crop coefficient, evapotranspiration crop, irrigation, carrot production.

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