Evaluation of a modified field school approach in knowledge appropriation by arracacha growers Diego Alberto Navarro Niño, Jorge Enrique Villamil Carvajal, Johanna Paola Garnica Montaña, Camilo Ignacio Jaramillo Barrios Abstract 443 PDF (Español) 499 PDF (Español)
Complementary foliar fertilization improves the yield, health and profitability of cocoa in rainfed agroecosystems Erick Humberto Bravo Palma, Galo Cedeño García, Jessenia Rosanna Castro Olaya, George Alexander Cedeño García Abstract 460 PDF (Español) 1027 PDF (Español)
Trichoderma spp: Propagation, dosage and application in maize crop (Zea mays L.) John Alberto Cuenca Sedamanos, José Nicasio Quevedo Guerrero, Ivana Gabriela Tuz Guncay, Julio Enrique Chabla Carillo Abstract 748 PDF (Español) 1395 PDF (Español)
Persistence of Bacillus thuringiensis and Bacillus pumilus potential biological control agents of the coffee berry borer under field conditions of Puerto Rico Carlos Bolanos Carriel, Dainette Vazquez Soto Abstract 270 PDF (Español) 162 PDF (Español)
Enzymatic quantification method with DNS for ß-mannanase in soybeans and in a nutritional additive Danyerly Johana Ruiz Chatez, Natalia Afanasjeva Abstract 739 PDF (Español) 726 PDF (Español)
Birds associated with pea crops (Pisum sativum L.) in Boyacá: contributions to the agroecological transition. Edwin Fernando Sanchez Rojas, Maria Alejandra Cardenas Cardenas, Erika Carmenza Ramos Guarnizo Abstract 761 PDF (Español) 361 PDF (Español)
Relationship of morphometric and productive variables on reproductive parameters in Romosinuano and Costeño con cuernos cows Nathalia del Carmen Herrera Perez, Mario Alberto Canabal Vidal, Yesid José Abuabara Pérez, Gustavo Alfonso Ossa Saraz, Jorge Luis Garcés Blanquiceth, Juan Carlos Fernández Niño Abstract 246 PDF (Español) 190 PDF (Español)
Yield projection using productive variables and various types of banana (Musa spp.) seed in Turbo-Colombia. Miguel Bernal Monterrosa, Laura Delgado Bejarano Abstract 245 PDF (Español) 451 PDF (Español)
Biotechnological aspects in the in vitro propagation of magnoliaceae Diana Milena Avendaño Torres, Elberth Hernando Pinzón Sandoval, Pablo Antonio Serrano Cely Abstract 437 PDF (Español) 482 PDF (Español)
Role of brassinosteroids in fruit trees with emphasis on abiotic stress conditions: A review Jorge Leonardo Cáceres Rodríguez, Eduard, Diego Andres, María Camila Cortés Gómez, Helber Enrique Balaguera Lopez Abstract 694 PDF (Español) 851 PDF (Español)