Chlorophyll fluorescence and other physiological parameters as indicators of waterlogging and shadow stress in lulo (Solanum quitoense var. septentrionale) seedlings Alefsi David Sánchez-Reinoso, Yulieth Jiménez-Pulido, Jean Paul Martínez-Pérez, Carlos Salvador Pinilla, Gerhard Fischer (Author) PDF
Seed dormancy and germination in tree tomato (Solanum betaceum Cav.) and lulo (Solanum quitoense Lam.) Alba Marina Torres-González (Author) PDF
Effect of irrigation regime on the production of volatiles that affect the aroma of the pear variety Triumph of Vienna (Pyrus communis L.) Javier Enrique Vélez, Wilson Polanía, Nicolás Beltrán (Author) PDF
Review of the concept of quality in Hass avocado and the pre-harvest and harvest factors that determine it under tropical conditions Joaquín Guillermo Ramírez-Gil, German Franco, Juan Camilo Henao-Rojas (Author) PDF
Botanical biopesticides: research and development trends, a focus on the Annonaceae family Ana Isabel Giraldo-Rivera, Gloria-Edith Guerrero-Alvarez (Author) PDF
The phyllosphere microbiome and its potential application in horticultural crops. A review Silvia E. Barrera, Stalin-Wladimir Sarango-Flóres, Sandra-Patricia Montenegro-Gómez (Author) PDF
Plant density and growth regulator applications in a tomato crop for industrial processing Fábio José Carvalho, Lorena Braz Carneiro, Cleiton Gredson Sabin Benett, Katiane Santiago Silva Benett, Anne Silva Martins, Amanda Tavares da Silva, Alexsander Seleguini (Author) PDF
Salt water and silicon application on growth, chloroplastid pigments, chlorophyll fluorescence and beet production José Sebastião de Melo-Filho, Toshik Iarley da Silva, Anderson Carlos de Melo Gonçalves, Leonardo Vieira de Sousa, Mario Leno Martins Véras, Thiago Jardelino Dias (Author) PDF
Essential oil of Lippia alba (Mill.) N.E.Br. influences the germination, vigor and emergence of lettuce seeds Leonardo Antonio Thiesen, Denise Schmidt, Marcos Vinícius Marques Pinheiro, Ezequiel Holz, Bruna Stringari Altissimo, Evandro Holz (Author) PDF
Characterization of three Arracacia xanthorrhiza Bancroft genotypes using morphological and color parameters Yomaira Liney Pinto-Acero, Alvaro Enrique Alvarado-Gaona, Yamith Ernesto Burgos-Avila, Helber Enrique Balaguera-Lopez, Sandra Isabel Ramirez-Gonzalez (Author) PDF
Agroclimatic zoning: a planning strategy for agricultural and livestock systems in Alta Guajira, Colombia Gustavo Alfonso Araujo-Carrillo, Fabio Ernesto Martínez-Maldonado, Leidy Yibeth Deantonio-Florido, Douglas Andrés Gómez-Latorre (Author) PDF
Bovine manure and rock powder and their influences on the chemical characteristics of a Latossolo soil type (yellow oxisols) under butter kale (Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala) cultivation Micaela Benigna Pereira, Mário Leno Martins Véras, Neriane Rodrigues de Lima, Leandro Gonçalves dos Santos, Thiago Jardelino Dias (Author) PDF
Growth and quality of lisianthus [Eustoma grandiflorum (Shinn.)] cultivated in rice husk substrates in troughs with leaching recirculation Daniela Höhn, Roberta Marins Nogueira Peil, Priscila Monalisa Marchi, Paulo Roberto Grolli, Lais Perin, Douglas Schulz Bergmann da Rosa (Author) PDF
Pre-depulping and depulping treatments and the emergence of queen palm seeds (Syagrus romanzoffiana [Cham.] Glassman) Lucas Marquezan Nascimento, Eduardo Pradi Vendruscolo, Luiz Fernandes Cardoso Campos, Lismaíra Gonçalves Caixeta Garcia, Larissa Leandro Pires, Alexsander Seleguini (Author) PDF