Developing Intercultural Dimensions through the Design of Curricular Units Based on the Ganag Model

In this article we share the process and results of an a priori study that focused on
materials design throughout the implementation of some curricular units based on the development of intercultural dimensions. The curricular units were designed and developed upon the GANAG model, with the purpose of working on intercultural competence dimensions following Byram´s model (2003). In this pedagogical experience, conducted in two private schools in Tunja, our aim was to integrate intercultural dimensions in some
curricular units in order for students to compare and understand their own culture with those of others. Data was gathered through the use of semi structured interviews, field notes and students’ artifacts. The results revealed that by means of the different curricular units guided by the stages proposed by the GANAG model, learners were able to move toward saviors (Knowledge) and Savoir etre (attitudes) proposed by Byram (2003) in the intercultural competence, where the values, beliefs and behaviors of a community or a social group were understood as individual and unique.
Key words: Intercultural competence, curricular units, GANAG, Byram’s model,
Biografía del autor/a
Nidia Marcela Cubides Torres
Administrativo Profesional
Oficina Educación Virtual