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Decadent Beauty and the Ultra-metalhead: a Brief Analysis of the Literary and Ideological Influences of Parabellum's Lyrics


This article will analyze four songs by Parabellum ("Madre muerte", "666 engendro", "Bruja maldita" and "Guerra monopolio sexo") based on a three-pronged approach: the relationship between Parabellum and modern poetry, his critique of society and his view on violence. As a central theoretical tool will be Hugo Friedrich, because there are relations between the poetics proposed by the ultra-metallers of Parabellum and the style of the modern lyric. In addition, some quotes from Baudelaire and Nietzsche will be relevant, with the intention of analyzing the ideological particularities of Parabellum. Parabellum represents a time of excessive violence, but also art as that link that makes it possible to affirm life, on this occasion, through the figure of the ultra-metalhead. Parabellum, from the decadent beauty, is a band that reflects a possible escape from the vacuous reality, but also a liberation.


Ultra metal, Parabellum, violence, affirmation of life, decadent beauty, modern lyrics, ultra-human

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Author Biography

Andrés Felipe Bedoya Cely

Degree in Philosophy from the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (UPTC). Third semester student of the Master's Degree in Literature at UPTC.


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