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Editorial Production

The production brings together a series of scientific editing professionals (copyeditors, designers, layout designers, proofreaders, translators) who help the manuscripts, before being published, to reach their best possible version. Production comprises the following stages:

Copy Editing

In copy editing, the approved manuscripts are intervened to correct aspects of writing, syntax, and spelling, in addition to fully adapting them to the journal's guidelines. Each manuscript goes through three readings (in its originals, in its diagrammed version, and the final proofs) to try to prevent errors.


The layout is the stage in which the manuscripts are adapted to the layout of the journal and its editorial conventions. It seeks that the texts have uniformity, the same graphic identity and that they contain all the necessary information so that it can be easily identified and retrieved online.


Nowadays scientific journals offer several reading formats online or on devices. Also, due to the protocols of the platforms or systems in which they are published or indexed, they must carry out technical intervention processes on the files of their published articles so that they are properly registered and later retrieved by search engines.


The journal publishes the metadata of its articles (titles, abstracts, and keywords) in two languages. For this, each text will be reviewed by a professional translator, to guarantee the quality of the translations and the proper use of specialized terms for the area.

Interaction with Authors

In the copy editing phase, in the layout phase, in the translation of metadata, and in the preparation of the final files with the different formats handled by the journal, the authors have the opportunity to interact and review their text. Usually, in each of these phases, some corrections imply clarification by the authors or their revision, before moving from one stage to another.

Authors are requested to be diligent and thorough in reviewing the proofs of their manuscript, to guarantee the integrity of the contents and finish the edition as soon as possible, and thus make the final text available online for readers to consult.