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Philosophy in rural schools: a way of life


It aims to show the pedagogical experience of philosophy and childhood in the rural school, Leonera headquarters of the Technical Educational Institution Rafael Uribe of the municipality of Toca-Boyacá Colombia, the students appropriated the community of inquiry and the question as devices to develop the philosophical attitude under equality, self-care and wandering. Equality as the ability of all human beings to learn; self-care, the relationships that the subject develops with himself, with others and with nature, the concept of wandering, as an event that leads to create and learn.

The text is presented in four descriptive moments, Rethinking the school, an analysis of the Colombian rural school; Some inspiring references, concepts that support the project; Philosophy as a way of life: teaches the philosophical exercise, appropriates positions and theoretical approaches on the development of philosophical thought; the relationship between philosophy and rural school as a strategy for learning to live; is the experience of philosophy and childhood in the Leonera headquarters: the community of inquiry, dialogue, reading and writing. Thinking by oneself and with others: it presents the recognition of the individual philosophical exercise that leads to think collectively; from dialogue to writing: it exposes writings of the children, product of the reading and writing of the environment, experiences, tastes and nonconformities; finally it is presented as a reflection some appreciations related to philosophy and childhood in the rural school, in the learning and the teacher's transformation.


philosophy and children, rural school, community of inquiry, philosophical attitude, philosophical education

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