Probability of Contagion and Mortality by COVID-19 in Indigenous and Non-indigenous Patients Initiating the Pandemic in Mexico

The objective of this research is to identify contagion and mortality factors by COVID-19 among indigenous patients in Mexico, showing their greater fragility in contrast to non-indigenous patients at the beginning of the pandemic. Database of May 22, 2020, of the Undersecretariat of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Health of Mexico is used, with sociodemographic, territorial, diseases variables, among others, and binary logistic models of probability of contagion and mortality are elaborated. The results show a higher risk of contagion and mortality among indigenous patients, with similar determinants compared to non-indigenous patients, but with differences related to their current places of residence for the indigenous population, linked to intermediate cities and large cities, where they migrate from their places of origin to work mainly in the informality of street vendors and without social protection, on the streets of Mexican cities.
covid-19, pandemics, deaths, indigenous population, demography, modeling
Author Biography
Jorge Enrique Horbath Corredor
Profesor-Investigador Titular, Grupo de Procesos Culturales y Construcción Social de Alternativas. Departamento de Sociedad y Cultura. El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Unidad Chetumal
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