Inflation in Colombia and Possible Future Scenarios Luis Eudoro Vallejo Zamudio PDF (Español) PDF HTML (Español) HTML XML
Behavioral Economics: An Analysis from Interdisciplinarity and Complexity Armenio Pérez Martínez, Aimara Rodríguez Fernández PDF (Español) Video (Español) XML (Español) HTML (Español)
Academic Programs of Economics: Comparative Analysis of Europe and Colombia William Prieto-Bustos PDF (Español) HTML (Español) XML (Español)
Reflections on Brexit and Migration: Literature Review María Isabel Guerrero Molina, Juan Felipe Salazar Acevedo, Julián Taborda Giraldo PDF (Español) HTML (Español) XML (Español)
Effects of the HDI on CO2 Emissions in Latin America and the Caribbean Esmeralda Villegas Pocaterra, Leobaldo Enrique Molero Oliva, Virginia Elizabeth Rodríguez López, Tanya Shyrna Andino Chancay PDF (Español) HTML (Español) XML (Español)
The Relationship Between the Exchange Rate, Terms of Trade and Employment in Turkey Muhammad Salah Uddin, Zobayer Ahmed, Mahadi Hasan PDF HTML XML
Analysis and Evaluation of International Natural Honey Markets Hermes Castro Fajardo, Lina María Otálora Gómez, Fernando Chavarro Miranda PDF (Español) Video (Español) XML (Español) HTML (Español)
Food Supply and Popular Economy in Bogotá and Some Surrounding Municipalities in Times of Pandemic Carlos Alberto Suescún Barón, Diego Alejandro Guevara Castañeda, Martha Lucía Bernal, Óscar Morillo PDF (Español) HTML (Español) XML (Español)
The Contours of Economic Sciences Teaching in Eastern Colombia Edilberto Rodríguez Araújo PDF (Español) HTML (Español) XML (Español)