An interpretation of the concept of knowledge management proposed by Nonaka & Takeuchi using literary fiction

This article aims to present the role of literary fiction -narrative, metaphor and analogy and its expression through rhetorics- in organizational contexts such as the research and practice of management sciences, by using it for the interpretation of the concept of knowledge management proposed by Nonaka y Takeuchi (1995). This information is useful for researchers, both of social and human sciences, as for managers and strategists because they would have the opportunity of exploring the potential that fiction has not only as a “way of entertainment” but as a media of transferring knowledge within organizations.Keywords
Literary fiction, methaphor, analogy
Author Biography
Rosalba Frías-Navarro
Dr. Rosalba Frias-Navarro is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Universidad de La Salle – Bogotá, Colombia. She has a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Engineering, MSc. in Management, and PhD in Engineering, Industry and Organizations, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Her research interests include knowledge creation oriented to rural sustainable development programs in post-conflict settings, social engineering, and rural extension programs.
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