Effects of foreign investment in Colombian mining and four countries in the region


  • Gloria Patricia Gamba
  • Héctor Javier Fuentes López
  • Leonardo Emiro Contreras


Mining, FDI, panel data, Latin America, mining GDP


In recent years the mining sector has attracted the largest flows of foreign direct investment (FDI), allowing the entry of new projects that at the new price level are technically and economically feasible, associated to the diversification in risk portfolios and to the high level of capital required to operate. This investment has focused on Latin American countries with attractive geological potential, so it is worth examining how these investments are conducive to economic development of countries, representing challenges in defining the State policy that maximizes its benefits.


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How to Cite

Gamba, G. P., López, H. J. F., & Contreras, L. E. (2013). Effects of foreign investment in Colombian mining and four countries in the region. Apuntes Del Cenes, 31(53), 51–79. Retrieved from https://revistas.uptc.edu.co/index.php/cenes/article/view/4



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