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Estimation of the cardinality of the maximal spectrum of a product of fields


In this paper we show general properties of a product of commutative rings with unity. We obtain a characterization of the prime spectrum of a sum of rings and if we consider a product of fields them its spectrum is T1, or equivalently, it is Hausdorff. Finally we estimate the cardinality of the maximal spectrum of a product of fields.


Localization, direct product of rings, prime and maximal spectrum

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Author Biography

Claudia Granados Pinzón

Doctora en Matemáticas Universidad de Valladolid (España)

Profesora Asociada

Escuela de Matemàticas

Wilson Olaya León

Doctor en Matemáticas

Profesor Titular

Escuela de Matemàticas

Sofía Pinzón Durán

Doctora en Matemáticas

Profesora Titular

Escuela de Matemàticas


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