The Martyr's Shadow: The Open Wounds of the Sister of Ecuador's Great Guerrilla Leader
The Latin American guerrilla movements that fought during the Cold War are filled with remarkable life stories. Often, the protagonists are men who either succeeded in revolution or became fallen heroes. This article examines the life story of Beatriz Jarrín, sister of Arturo Jarrín, leader of Ecuador’s «Alfaro Vive Carajo» guerrilla movement, who was assassinated in 1986 in an operation involving the CIA. Using the methodology of oral history, this article explores how, despite the interview being conducted 36 years after her brother’s death, Beatriz’s life story remains intertwined with Arturo’s enduring shadow. The findings of this research show how the life story format reveals Beatriz’s emotions, oscillating between a humility that downplays her significance and elevates Arturo’s heroism, and frustration towards an Ecuadorian society that has forgotten its «fallen hero».
guerrilla, Ecuador, martyr, revolution, torture, oral history
Author Biography
Nicolás Buckley
Doctor en Historia por la Royal Holloway University of London. Tiene un Master en Resolución de disputas y conflictos en The School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS). Es licenciado en Ciencias políticas y de la administración por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Es miembro del Centro de estudios sobre democracias y dictaduras de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, así como del Grupo de Investigación sobre estados, naciones y soberanías de la Universidad Pompeu Fabra
- Fuentes primarias escritas
- «Que Púchicas mi País». Centro Cultural Biblioteca Ecuatoriana Aurelio Espinosa Pólit, Quito – Ecuador. Revista oficial de Alfaro Vive Carajo. Número 2. Batallón América: Ejército de la democracia. Agosto de 1986.
- Fuentes orales
- Jarrín, Beatriz. Entrevista por Nicolás Buckley. 8 de mayo de 2022.
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