Editorial. Think about the gender from history: Proposals and debates Inmaculada Blasco Herranz, Nerea Aresti Esteban PDF (Español) XML (Español)
Race as a Historical Category in the 15th Century? Gender Coloniality and the Unfaithful Canarian Women Laura Sabina González Carracedo PDF (Español) XML (Español)
Women of Vigorous Spirit: Gender Stereotypes and Roles in the Conquest of America in the 16th Century Liliana Perez Miguel PDF (Español) XML (Español)
Baking the Nation: Women as Nation-Builders in 19th Century Colombia Angélica María Blanco Estupiñán PDF (Español) XML (Español) VIDEO (Español)
The Participation of Women in Wars and their SelfWritings: An Analytical Review Sonia Yuruen Lerma Mayer PDF (Español) XML (Español)
Gender, labour, and Migration: Categories for the Study of the Republican Exile of 1939 in France Rocío Negrete Peña PDF (Español) XML (Español)
Political-Educational Thought of Bernardo de Monteagudo and its Relationship with the Establishment of the Normal School in Peru Erik Lionel Felix Asencio, Adriana María Trujillo Cacho, David Auris Villegas PDF (Español) XML (Español)
Fanzines: Anarchist and Anarcho-Punk Perspectives in the Argentine Democratic Recovery, 1986-1993 Milagros Dolabani PDF (Español) XML (Español)
Capitanejo Under Fire: Memories of a Guerrilla Takeover Germán Guillermo Toloza Núñez, Helwar Hernando Figueroa Salamanca PDF (Español) XML (Español)
«No One Had Ever Asked Me». Testimonies of Minors as a Source for Historical Research in Colombia Daniel Castaño Zapata, Gabriel Alberto Ruiz Romero PDF (Español) XML (Español)
Ernesto Che Guevara and the World Cultural Revolution of 1968 in Cuba Carlos Antonio Aguirre Rojas PDF (Español)
Santana Pérez, Juan Manuel and Germán Santana Pérez. Doors to the sea. Atlantic African Isles in the old regime. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch, 373 pp. Sergio Hernández Suárez PDF (Español)