Automation of the process of generation of the students insurance, applying RFID and GPRS technologies
This article presents the description of the design and implementation of a system which allows the fulfilment of a consultation service on various parameters to a web server using a GSM modem, exchanging information systems over the Internet (ISS) and radio-frequency identification (RFID). The application validates for its use in automation of the process of generation of the student insurance, and hardware and software, developed by the Research Group in Robotics and Industrial Automation GIRAof UPTC, are used as a platform.
modem, GPRS, RFID, microcontroller, web applications
Author Biography
Nelson Barrera-Lombana
UPTC, Grupo de investigación de robótica y automatización industrial GIRA
Luis Ariel Mesa-Mesa
UPTC, Grupo de investigación en robotica y automatización
Jorge Julian Moreno-Rubio
UPTC; Grupo de Investigación en róbotica y automatización industrial
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