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Empathy and Education in Infancy and Childhood: A Current State of the Art


The growing interest in emotional education in childhood motivated this work, which seeks to examine the contributions of various investigations, based on a systematic review of documents indexed in Google Scholar, Web of Science, Science Direct, Scielo and Dialnet. A total of 204 documents were considered, which are referenced in the narrative construction of this text; However, with the aim of determining its relevance and relevance, documentary content analysis matrices were used, from which 72 documents were given prevalence (from 1985 to 2021). The results are presented in 3 categories of analysis, which in turn guided the review: empathy and moral reasoning, empathy and child development; empathy in the educational field. Within the conclusions, it is possible to affirm that there is a tendency to focus this kind of studies on prosocial and disruptive behaviors in the educational field, in addition to their possible educational actions; On the other hand, these findings allow us to determine future lines of work around emotional education and empathy in childhood.


childhood, early childhood education, empathy, school

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Author Biography

Fausto Andrés Nuñez, M.Sc. (c)

Maestrante en Educación y Licenciado en Informática Educativa. Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia. Docente Institución Educativa Técnica Agropecuaria San Isidro de Boyacá-Boyacá. Tunja, Boyacá. +573204641320


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