Natalia Sergéyevna Goncharova

She was a main representative of the avant-garde movement of Russian painting, as well as a pioneer and founder of the so-called neo-primitivism, in which she evoked part of the traditional orthodox Christian iconography and, in turn, of Jewish and medieval themes.Keywords
contemporary art, neoprimitivism, rayonsim, futurism
1. Bowlt, J. E. (1990). Natalia Goncharova and Futurist Theater. Art Journal, 49(1), 44–51.
2. Kramer, C. (2002). Natalia Goncharova: Her Depiction of Jews in Tsarist Russia. Woman’s Art Journal, 23(1), 17.
3. Larionov, M. & Goncharova, N. (1902). Rayonists and Futurists: A Manifesto. Russian Art of the Avant-Garde: Theory and Criticism, 1934, 90.
4. Lesso, R. (2019). Natalia Goncharova: The Spirit of Russia.