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Youth Employment and Entrepreneurial Intention of Colombian University Students


This article seeks to determine the Colombian bibliography on the impact of entrepreneurial intention in university students, whose context is youth self-employment, as a possible entrepreneurial strategy. The research is exploratory and descriptive in nature. The analysis is based on a review of the literature published over the last two decades and recorded in the Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus databases. The articles analyzed were selected based on inclusion criteria in high-impact journals with the highest number of citations. This review resulted in 45 articles, of which 13 were selected, specifically related to the entrepreneurial intention of university students in Colombia. The results of the analyzed articles, whose theoretical basis is the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), agree that entrepreneurial attitude is the most influential predictor, while subjective norms are less important for entrepreneurial intention. Similarly, entrepreneurship education is highlighted as a key element for enhancing emotional skills and self-efficacy, leading to favorable conditions for promoting youth entrepreneurship in the context of high unemployment among this population in the country.


youth employment, entrepreneurial intention, theory of planned behavior, university students, educational ecosystems, Colombia


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