Production of Lactuca Sativa L. and Ocimum Basilicum L. In aquapony: characterization of essential oils.

Aquaponics is a strategy that allows water savings, nutrient efficiency and clean food production. However, its implementation is still a challenge in developing countries due to the problems associated with low nutrient recovery efficiency, cost and water quality; that affect the production and quality of food. Thus, this work aimed to establish the production of Lactuca Sativa L. and Ocimum Basilicum L. in a semi-commercial aquaponic Oreochromis niloticus prototype and the characterization of the essential oil of Ocimum Basilicum L. System water quality parameters, growth of the plant species and composition of the essential oil extracted by distillation using clevenger-type equipment. The results showed adequate concentrations of phosphate and nitrate for plant growth and low levels of K+, Ca2+ and Fe2+. The lettuces reached an average weight of 110-155 g after 40 days of cultivation, while the basil generated a fresh weight of 20.5±8.7 to 40.7±5.5 g after 60 days of cultivation. On the other hand, it was observed that linalool and chavicol were the main components of basil essential oil and this was related to the content of nutrients present in the system.
Waste management, chavicol, nutrient cycling, linalool, water quality
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