Design Of A Correlational Model To Quantify Physicochemical Variables From Spectroradiometry Techniques In Water Bodies. Case Study Cuja River Cundinamarca Colombia

Water quality is a critical issue in environmental management, and in this sense, remote sensing has acquired a relevant role as a highly effective evaluation tool. With its ability to obtain data remotely and on a large scale, remote sensing is presented as an innovative and reliable solution to monitor and analyze contamination in freshwater bodies in an increasingly accurate and timely manner. In this research, the correlation between physicochemical variables and data obtained by field spectro-radiometry was analyzed. The variables were conductivity, pH, total suspended solids (TSS), chemical oxygen demand (COD), nitrates and phosphates, taken at four different points in the Cuja river basin. 70 spectral signatures were captured, using the ASD FieldSpec HandHeld 2 handheld spectrum radiometer. Using the Pearson correlation coefficient and the R-squared coefficient of determination, the input data were analyzed in regression models with a confidence level of 95 %, showing a strong correlation between the pH variables of the water with a determination level of 92% and the wavelength of the visible spectrum of 400 nm. Likewise, it was determined that the 822 nm wavelength in the infrared range is highly effective for measuring nitrate levels with a determination coefficient of 90%, while the 760 nm wavelengths of the red edge and 393nm of the visible blue were adequate to measure phosphates and suspended solids with coefficients of 86% and 82%, respectively. Notably, in comparison, the conductivity and chemical oxygen demand (COD) variables exhibited coefficients of determination of 82% and 77%, respectively. These findings suggest that field spectroradiometry is a valuable ally in the measurement of physicochemical parameters in water quality.
Remote sensing, spectroradiometry, physicochemical variables, water quality.
Author Biography
Edier Fernando Avila Velez
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