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Evaluation by reviewers

Peer review process

Manuscript submission

The manuscript must be relevant, unpublished, must not have been submitted in parallel to any other journal or information dissemination organ, must not be in process of evaluation, and must not have been published in other media, either in print or digital version, either partially or  entirety. Works translated from another languages are not considered original.

Articles written in a language other than the author's native language will require a certified translator to proofread it before submission.

The authors of the paper should have made decisive and complementary contributions in the different processes of analysis, data collection or writing.

Receipt of manuscripts

Manuscripts will be received through the Journal's platform during the calls for papers announced on the web page:

Initial evaluation

The editorial committee verifies the proper use of the presentation rules stipulated by the Journal, the relevance of the work in relation to the subject of the call and the originality of the manuscripts through anti-plagiarism software. In case of not meeting these requirements, the works will be rejected.

Double-blind evaluation

 The manuscripts approved in the initial evaluation are sent to a national and an international academic peer, applying the double-blind method and according to their areas of expertise. The academic peers elaborate a concept taking into account the structure, content and contributions of the work to the theme of the call.

  • Considerations for academic peers

According to the area of each submitted paper, the Editorial Committee of the Journal invites academic authorities, with research experience on the topic addressed, as peer reviewers. However, if the peer reviewer considers that he/she does not meet the profile, does not have enough the time or has a conflict of interest to evaluate a paper, the Editorial Committee must be informed and the evaluation will be assigned to another peer reviewer.

The peer reviewer must present a clear and rigorous concept, without using any type of offensive language, so that the Editorial Committee can make the decision on the acceptance or rejection of a manuscript.

The documents sent to reviewers by the Journal History of Latin American Education are confidential and, therefore, the review is limited to evaluation purposes. Citation or use of contents prior publication are an inappropriate and unauthorized practice.

Final review

As a final step, the concept resulting from the evaluation by the academic peers is delivered to the Editorial Committee, which has the last word on the publication of the articles and the issue in which they will be included (this process is fulfilled as long as the author submits all the requested documentation within the indicated deadline).

The result will be announced to the author within a period of 6 months from the submission of the article. The Journal's secretariat will acknowledge receipt of the papers within ten (10) working days from the date of receipt.