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About the Journal

The Journal History of Latin American Education (Rhela) is a diamond open access publication, (no costs for authors), peer-reviewed with two monographic issues (January and July) in each of its volumes.Rhela accepts research articles resulting from theoretical and empirical methodologies, as well as reviews on the history of education with an emphasis on Latin America, written in Spanish, Portuguese and English. Rhela’s scientific target community: researchers, graduate students, professionals in history, heritage and cultural affairs, mainly. 

Rhela also welcomes comparative or research works from other regions and continents dealing with history of education, in contexts with problems similar to those of Latin America.

  1. The Latin American and Caribbean university
  2. Latin American educators, their formation and leadership
  3. Education in rural, indigenous and Afro-descendant communities
  4. Normal schools
  5. Pedagogies, peace and resilient populations
  6. Education based on new technologies
  7. University and university movements
  8. History of comparative education

Since its creation in 1998, Rhela has been funded by the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (Uptc) and the Society for the History of Latin American Education (SHELA).



Focus and scope

The Journal History of Latin American Education (Rhela) is a diamond open access publication, (no costs for authors), peer-reviewed with two monographic issues (January and July) in each of its volumes.Rhela accepts research articles resulting from theoretical and empirical methodologies, as well as reviews on the history of education with an emphasis on Latin America, written in Spanish, Portuguese and English. Rhela’s scientific target community: researchers, graduate students, professionals in history, heritage and cultural affairs, mainly. 

Rhela also welcomes comparative or research works from other regions and continents dealing with history of education, in contexts with problems similar to those of Latin America.

  1. The Latin American and Caribbean university
  2. Latin American educators, their formation and leadership
  3. Education in rural, indigenous and Afro-descendant communities
  4. Normal schools
  5. Pedagogies, peace and resilient populations
  6. Education based on new technologies
  7. University and university movements
  8. History of comparative education

Since its creation in 1998, Rhela has been funded by the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (Uptc) and the Society for the History of Latin American Education (SHELA).

Peer review process

Manuscript submission

The manuscript must be relevant, unpublished, must not have been submitted in parallel to any other journal or information dissemination organ, must not be in process of evaluation, and must not have been published in other media, either in print or digital version, either partially or  entirety. Works translated from another languages are not considered original.

Articles written in a language other than the author's native language will require a certified translator to proofread it before submission.

The authors of the paper should have made decisive and complementary contributions in the different processes of analysis, data collection or writing.

Receipt of manuscripts

Manuscripts will be received through the Journal's platform during the calls for papers announced on the web page:

Initial evaluation

The editorial committee verifies the proper use of the presentation rules stipulated by the Journal, the relevance of the work in relation to the subject of the call and the originality of the manuscripts through anti-plagiarism software. In case of not meeting these requirements, the works will be rejected.

Double-blind evaluation

The manuscripts approved in the initial evaluation are sent to a national and an international academic peer, applying the double-blind method and according to their areas of expertise. The academic peers elaborate a concept taking into account the structure, content and contributions of the work to the theme of the call.

  • Considerations for academic peers

According to the area of each submitted paper, the Editorial Committee of the Journal invites academic authorities, with research experience on the topic addressed, as peer reviewers. However, if the peer reviewer considers that he/she does not meet the profile, does not have enough the time or has a conflict of interest to evaluate a paper, the Editorial Committee must be informed and the evaluation will be assigned to another peer reviewer.

The peer reviewer must present a clear and rigorous concept, without using any type of offensive language, so that the Editorial Committee can make the decision on the acceptance or rejection of a manuscript.

The documents sent to reviewers by the Journal History of Latin American Education are confidential and, therefore, the review is limited to evaluation purposes. Citation or use of contents prior publication are an inappropriate and unauthorized practice.

Final review

As a final step, the concept resulting from the evaluation by the academic peers is delivered to the Editorial Committee, which has the last word on the publication of the articles and the issue in which they will be included (this process is fulfilled as long as the author submits all the requested documentation within the indicated deadline).

The result will be announced to the author within a period of 6 months from the submission of the article. The Journal's secretariat will acknowledge receipt of the papers within ten (10) working days from the date of receipt.

  • Considerations for authors

The Journal reserves the right to make minor style corrections. Authors will be consulted during the editing process via e-mail and OJS.

In case of receiving observations from the evaluators and the Editorial Committee, the author will have a maximum of eight (8) days to make the required adjustments to the text.

After submission of the modified article, the author will be informed about the final approval and will be asked to sign the Assignment of Intellectual Property Rights to the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia and the Society for the History of Latin American Education.

National authors will receive two print copies of the Journal and international authors will receive the publication in PDF via e-mail.

Publication process

Manuscripts accepted by the Journal History of Latin American Education, after the peer review process and the approval of the Editorial Committee, go through a style correction filter and are subsequently translated (title, keywords and abstracts). Then, both the manuscripts and the corresponding translations are sent to page layout process. Lastly, the cover artwork is designed, and the paper copies are printed.

The issues published in the Journal can be found on the official website in open access mode.

Conflicts of interest

There is a conflict of interest when the content of an article, its author, referee, or member of the Editorial Board has a degree of consanguinity or an overt friendship/enmity that may positively or negatively influence the evaluation process. For this reason, the authors must report a conflict of interest of any kind.

Statement of ethics and good practices

In order to ensure an ethical and standardized publishing culture, Rhela abides by the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing ( by the Committee On Publication Ethics (COPE). For personal data processing, in accordance with Colombian law, Rhela complies with the provisions of Habeas Data-Statutory Law 1266 of 2008.

Regarding Rhela’s policy on correction and retraction of published manuscripts, and any ethical dilemma that may arise in the publication process, the recommendations and flowcharts by COPE will be followed:

Rhela will retract from publishing a manuscript in case of:

- Total or partial plagiarism

- Unverified or falsified research results

- Finding the article in another medium

- Unauthorized use of documentary sources

Likewise, any case or particularity not described above will also be addressed from the perspective of the scientific integrity followed by the university's publishing house and the COPE.

Open access policy

Rhela is an open access journal, this means that all content is freely available at no charge to the authors,  users or their institutions. Articles can be read, downloaded, copied, distributed, printed, searched or linked - in whole or in part. They can also be used for any other legal purpose -with due citation and intellectual acknowledgment-, without requesting prior permission from the publisher or author, as established in the   open access declaration of the BOAI.

   This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.


This journal uses the Portico system, which allows the creation of permanent archives of works for conservation and restoration purposes.


We welcome original and unpublished articles on research results using empirical and theoretical methodologies. The structure is as follows: title, abstract and keywords, introduction, methodology, results or discussion, conclusions, references and acknowledgements.

The articles are classified into three categories. Research article: presents original results of a completed research project in a structured, clear and truthful manner; Reflection article: presents research results from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective on a specific topic; Review article: presents advances or the State of the on a subject in which the results of scientific or technological research are analyzed, systematized and integrated in order to update and inform on its current state; it is characterized by a bibliographic review of at least 50 references.

Guidelines for authors

All documents submitted for publication in the Journal History of Latin American Education must have undergone an exhaustive review process by the authors in accordance with the policies defined by the Journal.

Works derived from research carried out with individuals or organizations must have the corresponding authorization(s), which must be attached to the article submitted.

Although it is not considered self-plagiarism if the authors base their statements on the definitions, theoretical framework or methodologies of other previous works of their authorship, it is essential that the contributions and conclusions are not the same as those of published works, either by the authors themselves or by others.

Any person who appears as author of the work must have participated in the research process and in the elaboration of the material submitted to the Journal. It is expected that people who did not participate in the described activities will not appear as authors; those who only participated in part of these activities may appear in the acknowledgements section.

When the author is a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal, he/she is disqualified as a reviewer and cannot take part in decisions regarding the work.

The opinions expressed by the authors are their sole responsibility and do not reflect the policy of the Journal.

The authors of each article must submit the corresponding declaration of originality and authorize the Journal to perform an anti-plagiarism evaluation of the submitted work using a specialized software.

If accepted, the paper may not be reproduced in another place or language without citing the Journal. The editorial committee is also authorized to publish the paper under the available conditions, procedures.

The Journal would like to remind that articles will be penalized with a two-year veto for the author(s) in case of plagiarism: action by which segments of works by other authors are reproduced or paraphrased without the corresponding reference or acknowledgment.

In case of scientific fraud, plagiarism or authorship vices, the Journal History of Latin American Education and the Society for the History of Latin American Education are exempted from any responsibility. The author declares that he/she is solely responsible and will assume the legal sanctions according to the parameters of copyright protection, Article 30 - Law 23 of 1982, and the Ethics and Bioethics Commission of the UPTC.

Explanatory note:

The authors of accepted manuscripts, by signing the the Assignment of Intellectual Property Rights authorize the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia and the Society for the History of Latin American Education to make use of the author's patrimonial rights (reproduction, public communication, transformation and distribution), in order to include the work in the Journal History of Latin American Education. In the same document, the authors confirm that the article is of their authorship and that the intellectual property rights of third parties are respected.

In the event that an article is to be included in another publication, the data of the original publication in Rhela should be clearly indicated, with prior request and formal authorization issued by the Editorial Committee.

Presentation rules


  1. Articles must be unpublished. They should be between 7000 and 10000 words long including tables, graphs, notes, and images related to the topic, appendices and bibliography. They should be structured as follows: abstract, introduction, content elaboration on the proposed theme, conclusions, sources and bibliography.
  2. Footnotes should be in Times New Roman font, size 10 and single spaced.
  3. The title should have a maximum length of 15 words and should not include abbreviations or formulas.
  4. The origin of the article must be indicated (in the title citation should be specified: the name of the research project, the results presented, the code and names of the financing institutions).
  5. Indicate the name(s) of the author(s) immediately after the title. If there are several authors, a footnote should indicate the name of the person to whom correspondence can be addressed. Likewise, the following data of the author(s) should be indicated in a footnote: the most recent academic title, institutional affiliation, research group, e-mail and ORCID code.
  6. Abstract in Spanish: it should be 200 to 250 words long and should clearly state the objective, relevance, method, methodology, strategies, and conclusion.
  7. Keywords: five keywords that establish the main ideas of the article should be provided. Include Revista Historia de la Educación Latinoamericana as a keyword: Keywords are selected from the descriptors in human and social sciences, according to Unesco's thesauri (
  8. The title, abstract and keywords should be presented in Spanish, English and Portuguese.
  9. Footnotes are clarifications that appear consecutively numbered at the bottom of the pages. They are used to indicate institutional affiliation; authors' address, to amplify unpublished information or to give background information/further explanation. They are based on The Chicago Manual of Style,  Humanities Style version. 
  10. Articles can be submitted in any of the official languages of the Journal: Spanish, English and Portuguese.
  11. For accepted articles to be included in the OJS of the Journal, authors must submit the English version.
  12. Each article will be preceded by a summary of the author's curriculum vitae. It should include: name, place of work, address, e-mail, telephone/fax, professional title, line of research and publications in the last five years (books and journals) with the corresponding ISBN or ISSN.
  13. Bibliographical references: indicate the original sources, methods, reference techniques for research, studies and experiences included in the article. They are cited with consecutive numbers according to The Chicago Manual of Style, Humanities Style version.
  14. Tables, graphs and photos must be presented in a comprehensible form. The titles of the illustrations must be clear and precise, the source must be cited, even if it is the author's own elaboration. Photographs should include the source and date. These files should be sent in JPG format and in high resolution.
  15. Notes to tables, diagrams, graphs and other illustrations should be numbered separately from footnotes. Symbols such as (*) and other numerals (such as Roman numerals) are often used in notes for tables, diagrams, graphs and other illustrations.

 Books, journals and events reviews

Books, journals and events reviews should have a minimum of 2600 and a maximum of 5400 characters; the cover page should be included. Each review should include complete information about the publication.

The reviews should be pertinent to the theme of the issue or number of the Journal. Authors should send their reviews to the institutional e-mail:, before the deadline announced on Rhela's website:


Citation standards

The Journal Historia de la Educación Latinoamericana uses an adaptation of The Chicago Manual of Style, issue number 15 of 2003, in its Humanities Style version.

The citation rules for footnotes and bibliography are explained below:

Footnotes and bibliography: from now on we only use in these conventions: F- for footnotes and B- for bibliography.


F- Un solo autor:

Nombre(s) Apellido(s), Título completo (Ciudad: Editorial, año), página(s).

Diana Elvira Soto Arango, La universidad en el periodo Colonial. Educadores criollos neogranadinos (Tunja: UPTC-Ediciones Doce Calles, 2011), 68.

B- Un solo autor:

Apellido(s), Nombre(s). título completo . Ciudad: Editorial, año.

Soto Arango, Diana. La Universidad en el Período Colonial. Educadores criollos neogranadinos. Tunja: Ediciones Doce Calles, 2011.

F- Dos autores:

Nombre(s) Apellido(s) y Nombre(s) Apellido(s), Título completo (Ciudad: Editorial, año), página(s).

Diana Elvira Soto Arango y José Rubens Lima Jardilino, Políticas universitarias en Latinoamérica, tomo III (São Paulo: Centro Universitario Nove de Julho-UNINOVE, 2011), 34.

B- Dos y un solo autor:

Apellido(s), Nombre(s) y Apellido(s), Nombre(s). título completo . Ciudad: Editorial, año.

Soto Arango, Diana and María Isabel Lafuente Guantes. Autonomía y modelos universitarios en América Latina. España, Tunja: Universidad de León-Búhos Editores, 2007.

F- Cuatro o más autores:

Nombre(s) Apellido(s) et al., Título completo (Ciudad: Editorial, año), página(s).

Diana Elvira Soto Arango et al., Educadores latinoamericanos y del Caribe: Siglo XX al XXI, tomo IV (Tunja: UPTC-Ediciones Doce Calles, 2011), 45-78.

B- Cuatro o más autores:

Apellido(s), Nombre(s), Apellido(s), Nombre(s), Apellido(s), Nombre(s) y Apellido(s), Nombre(s). título completo . Ciudad: Editorial, año.

Soto Arango, Diana, Jesús Paniagua, José Rubens Lima Jardilino and María Cristina Vera. Educadores en América Latina y el Caribe de la Colonia al siglo XIX-XX. Tunja: Ediciones Doce Calles, 2011.

F – B: Libros con autor corporativo:

Nombre, Título completo (Ciudad: Editorial, año).

Banco Popular de Puerto Rico, Un álbum: una colección de poesía y prosa de la familia del Banco Popular de Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico: Banco Popular, 1978).

F- Capítulo en un libro editado:

Nombre(s) Apellido(s), “Título del Capítulo” , en Título Completo del Libro, eds. Nombre(s) Apellido(s) y Nombre(s) Apellido(s) (Ciudad: Editorial, año), página(s).

Miguel Ángel Puing Samper y María Dolores González, “Criollismo y Ciencia Ilustrada en Cuba”, en Científicos criollos e Ilustración, eds. Diana Soto Arango, Miguel Ángel Puing Samper y María Dolores González (Madrid: Ediciones Doce Calles-Colciencias-RUDECOLOMBIA, 1999), 13-28.

B- Apellido(s), Nombre(s). “Título del Capítulo”. En Título completo del Libro , editado por Nombre(s) Apellido(s) y Nombre(s) Apellido(s) Ciudad: Editorial, año, página(s).

Puing Samper, Miguel Ángel y Dolores González María. “Criollismo y Ciencia Ilustrada en Cuba”. En Científicos criollos e Ilustración, editado por Diana Soto Arango, Miguel Ángel Puing Samper y María Dolores González. Madrid: Ediciones Doce Calles-Colciencias-RUDECOLOMBIA, 1999, 13-28.

Artículo de revista:

F- Nombre(s) Apellido(s), “Título del artículo”, Título del número de volumen de la revista , no. número de edición (año): página(s).

Felipe de Jesús Pérez Cruz, “Raíces Históricas del Proyecto Educativo Martiano”, Revista Historia de la Educación Latinoamérica 13, No. 17 (2011): 208.

B- Artículo de revista:

Apellido(s), Nombre(s). "Título del artículo". Título del número de volumen de la revista, no. número de edición (año): página(s).

Torres Aguilar, Morelos. “Antonio Caso, Educador Universitario”. Revista Historia de la Educación Latinoamericana 13, núm. 17 (2011): 287-291.   

F- Artículo de prensa:

Nombre(s) Apellido(s), “Título del artículo”, Título del periódico , Ciudad, día, mes, año, página(s).

Anónimo, “Gobierno aún no define sí va o no reforma la Educación Superior”, El Espectador , Bogotá, 23 de julio de 2012, 4.

B- Artículo de prensa:

Apellido(s), Nombre(s). "Título del artículo". Título del periódico , Ciudad, día, mes, año.

Anónimo, “Gobierno aún no define si va o no reforma la Educación Superior”, El Espectador , Bogotá, 23 de julio de 2012.


Nombre(s), Apellido(s). “Título de la tesis” (trabajo de grado/maestría/doctorado en, universidad, año), página(s).

Sandra Liliana, Bernal Villate, “Movimiento Estudiantil Universitario: el Caso de la Universidad Nacional” (Tesis de Maestría en, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, 2011), 56. 89.

B- Tesis:

Apellido(s), Nombre(s). " Título de la tesis ". Trabajo de pregrado/maestría/doctorado en, universidad, año.

Bernal Villate, Sandra Liliana. Movimiento Estudiantil Universitario: el Caso de la Universidad Nacional ”. Tesis de maestría en, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, 2011, 56. 89.

F- Fuentes del archivo:

“Título del documento” (lugar y fecha, si corresponde), en Siglas del expediente, Sección, Fondo, vol./leg./t., f. o sig. El nombre completo del archivo y las siglas entre paréntesis se citan la primera vez.

“Oficio al Consejo de Estado de Zea y otros. Cádiz” (España), Archivo Histórico Nacional de España (AHNE), Consejo, leg. 21249, f. 3.

En citas posteriores se utilizará la sigla del archivo.

B- Nombre completo del archivo (siglas), Ciudad - País. Sección(es), Fondo(s).

Archivo Histórico Nacional de España (AHNE), Madrid - España. Consejo, pierna. 21249, f. 3.

F- Entrevistas:

Entrevista con Apellido(s), Nombre(s), Ciudad, fecha completa.

Entrevista a Orozco, Claudia, Tunja, 4 de mayo de 2012.

B - Entrevistas:

Entrevista con Apellido(s), Nombre(s), Ciudad, fecha completa.

Entrevista a Orozco, Claudia, Tunja, 4 de mayo de 2012.

F- Publicaciones en línea:

Nombre(s) Apellido(s) y Nombre(s) Apellido(s), Título completo (Ciudad: Editorial, año), Información DOI o URL (fecha de consulta).

Alfredo Molano Bravo, Divisiones armadas (Bogotá: El Espectador, 2012) (18 de julio de 2012)

B- Publicaciones en línea:

Apellido(s), Nombre(s). título completo . Ciudad: Información de editorial, año, DOI o URL (fecha de consulta).

Soto Arango, Diana, La expedición botánica en los textos escolares de Colombia 1974-2008 . Tunja: Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia-RUDECOLOMBIA-SHELA-HISULA, 2011. (4/11/2012) )

Criterios adicionales

  • Al estilo de las notas de Chicago, se utilizan locuciones latinas (op. Cit., Id., Idem., Ibid., Ibid.)
  • Los corchetes ([]) se utilizan en las notas a pie de página cuando se indica una traducción de un pasaje de un libro escrito en un idioma que no es el idioma del artículo. En estos casos, [mi traducción] debe agregarse al final de la referencia, justo antes del punto final.
  • Cuando se citan prefacios o introducciones a libros editados o traducidos, la nota al pie toma la siguiente forma:

Ben Jowett, "Introducción", en Platón, La República, trad. Ben Jowett (York: Airmont, 1968), III.