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Phenomenology-herménutica of formative research. The trainer of trainers: from imposition to transformation


The aim of the study was to reveal the meaning that teachers in training belonging to three Escuelas Nacionales Superiores (ENS), in the state of Sucre, Colombia; confer to formative research. The theoretical approach is established on the basis of phenomenology-hermeneutics. The techniques of collecting information were: in-depth interview, lived experience description and participant observation. The sample was intentional with ten students from the last semesters. According to the results, two subthemes were identified: the paradoxical and strange and the transformative trainer. In the first one, narratives are presented about three experiential processes related to teacher change, change of the initial idea of the research (by imposition) and the perception of a trainer as a strange or rare. In the second, experiences are described with trainers that promote autonomy, the inquiry attitude and the freedom to make decisions. In conclusion, the study participants conceive formative research as a systematic and hierarchical process, in which conditions related to education, pedagogy and didactics can be investigated.


formative research;, phenomenology-hermeneutics;, higher normal school;, trainer of trainers

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Author Biography

Alberto Jesús Iriarte-Pupo

Licenciado en Matemática y Física, Magíster en Educación,


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