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Affects and Extractivism on La isla de Fushía de Irma del Águila


This work investigates the literary representation of affections through a set of compositional
resources such as fragmentation and narrative discontinuity in the novel La isla de Fushía
by Irma del Águila. Through its intertextual relations with the works of Mario Vargas Llosa
La casa verde [The Green House] and Historia secreta de una novela, we highlight how to
address political concerns related to the environmental (and affective) impact of extractive
processes. We are interested in reviewing the alternation between affection and extractivism,
based on the deployment of a cartography of the Amazonian territory while taking a distance
from the literary regionalism of the beginnings of the 20th century. So, the idea is to reveal
how the inclusion of an affective and geographic map has the purpose of evoking personal
and colonial traumas, the recovery of the voices of the jungle, more about the testimony
about the subjection to the conditions imposed by the influence of the Capitalocene that of its
representation in so much vernacular exoticism.


affects, extractivism, fragmentation, regionalism, trauma

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Author Biography

Matías Di Benedetto

BA and PhD in Literature from the Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP). Researcher in training at the Centro de Teoría y Crítica Literaria (CTCL) of the Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (IdIHCS) and professor of Literary Theory at the UNLP.


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