Tecnología de oxidación avanzada utilizando Fe0/H2O2 como tratamiento eficaz para reciclar aguas residuales industriales para riego de cultivos.
This study focused on developing a new Phenton treatment of water effluent coming from a local industrial estate and staining industry site. Different advanced oxidation technologies (AOTs) such as heterogeneous photocatalysis, Photo-Fenton and UV-Vis/H2O2 using FeSO4, and pure iron were evaluated. To develop this study, water samples were tested before and after each treatment. In general, after AOTs the amount of chlorides, nitrates, hydrocarbons, heavy metals, TOC and bacteria significantly decreased. Photo-Fenton and UV-Vis/H2O2/TiO2 showed the best performance in the treatment of staining industry and industrial wastewater, respectively. Photo-Fenton mineralized 100% of dyes, reduced by 99% total coliforms, eliminated 76% of TOC and 60% of heavy metals tested. Interestingly, use of iron metal in the Photo-Fenton treatment was found to achieve similar results. This means wastewater can be treated with benign chemicals. Treated wastewater was evaluated as a potential water source for the irrigation of Lolium perenne, a conventional crop in animal feed. In general, the physical characteristics of Lolium perenne such as leaf and roof length and width, were not significantly modified after irrigation with treated wastewater. Similar results were obtained using treated tap water as reference. A trace number of metals remaining from treatment was detected in grass and soil. However, the concentration of Cd, Cr, Cu, and Zn was very similar to tap water. Considering these outcomes, use of non-toxic zero valent iron metal and hydrogen peroxide in a Photo-Fenton reaction is a pilot plant scalable alternative oxidating treatment technology for recycling industrial wastewater in agricultural activities.Top of Form
Palabras clave
Textile wastewater, industrial estate effluents, AOTs, irrigation, Lolium perenne
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