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Efficient pole balancing in bipolar DC asymmetric networks via the vortex search algorithm


This paper presents the application of the vortex search optimization algorithm and the triangular power flow method to the optimal pole balancing problem in bipolar direct current networks using a master-slave type optimization strategy. This problem consists of the efficient redistribution of loads in the positive and negative poles, with respect to the neutral pole, such that the power losses for a given load condition are reduced. The optimal pole balancing problem corresponds to a mixed-integer nonlinear programming problem that is difficult to solve. To address this problem, the use of the vortex search algorithm in its master stage and the triangular power flow method in its slave stage is proposed. To address this problem, the use of the vortex search algorithm in its master stage and the triangular power flow method in its slave stage is proposed. The master stage is responsible for defining the connection of the loads on the positive and negative poles for each node, while the slave stage is responsible for evaluating the resulting power flow problem, and defining the loss value for each load condition. provided by the master stage. The numerical results for the 21 and 85 node systems demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed optimization model when compared with combinatorial methods available in the specialized literature. All computational implementations have been developed in the MATLAB programming environment in version 2022b.


Optimal pole swapping; bipolar distribution networks; triangular power flow; vortex search algorithm; power losses; load parallelizing. 2

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