Asexual propagation in female plants of cannabis (Cannabis sativa L.)

Cannabis is a plant with an ancient tradition, currently of worldwide interest due to the effectiveness of cannabidiol (CBD) in different treatments. Asexual propagation techniques are used to preserve the characteristics of the mother plants. This work aimed to evaluate the efficacy of two planting methods (hydroponics and peat) for asexual propagation in female plants of cannabis using the cutting method. Cuttings taken from female plants were arranged in two planting methods, two additional factors were evaluated, management of the apex, and hormonal regulator in each medium. The cuttings were kept under controlled environmental conditions for 17 days. Cuttings propagated in peat in combination with the growth regulator registered the highest percentage of survival (100%) with respect to the hydroponic medium without regulator (73.33%). The cuttings that were not subjected to the apex cutting show the best results in the variables evaluated in both planting media. Both peat and hydroponics are effective means for cutting. Applying a growth regulator and keeping the whole leaves tips favor the formation and quality of the roots.
Cannabidiol, Cutting, Naphthaleneacetic acid, Hydroculture
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