Contributions of Printed Material in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language During the Period of Distance Education in the Municipality of Saboyá Juan Manuel Guerrero Beltran, Yenny Paola Flórez Delgado, Maria Fernanda Pérez Jimenez, Nicole Marie Perez Pereira PDF (ENGLISH) (Español)
AN EXPERIENCE TO ENCOURAGE STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL THROUGH MULTIMODALITY Sandra Yannet Silva Vivas, Daniela Alexandra Yepes González, Lina Marìa Calixto Ariza PDF (Español)
The Use of Inclusive Language in the Speech of University Teachers and Students Glorisell Pichardo Nieves , Diana Iveth Sánchez Hernández PDF (Español)
Puppets: a strategy to develop oral expression in French Vitalia Pachón Achury, Diego Mauricio Camargo Vargas, Angela Rocío Castro Herrera PDF (Español)
El From EFL to ELF: In the Need to Incorporate Principles of English as a Lingua Franca in Colombian ELT Jhon Eduardo Mosquera Pérez PDF (ENGLISH) (Español)
Developing Spanish oral Skills Through Argumentative Activities Focused on the Arhuaco Culture Jessica Juliette Duque Briceño, Juan Carlos Malagón Viasus, Diana Marcela Vásquez, Judith Castellanos Jaimes PDF (Español)