Contributions of Printed Material in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language During the Period of Distance Education in the Municipality of Saboyá

This project focuses on a qualitative research method called intrinsic case study, which aims to explore and analyze the contributions of printed material in the teaching of English as a foreign language in four public and elementary schools in rural and urban areas of Saboyá, Boyacá. The project arose due to the changes that occurred in distance learning from June to November 2020. The instruments used to collect information were a survey, a structured interview, and the printed material designed by the teachers. The results of the research showed the decision-making process that the teachers carried out when preparing their classes, in which they included topics from other subjects. This methodology is known as Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). In addition, the design of the printed material was suitable to achieve the objectives of the class and helped the students to improve their fine motor skills and English vocabulary
printed materials, Enseñanza del Inglés como Lengua Extranjera (TEFL), distance education, distance learning and teachers’ perspectives
Author Biography
Juan Manuel Guerrero Beltran
Active Bachelor’s student in Bilingualism. Universidad El Bosque
Yenny Paola Flórez Delgado
Active Bachelor’s student in Bilingualism. Universidad El Bosque
Maria Fernanda Pérez Jimenez
Active Bachelor’s student in Bilingualism. Universidad El Bosque
Nicole Marie Perez Pereira
Active Bachelor’s student in Bilingualism. Universidad El Bosque
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