The second generation effects in business management Gerardo Gabriel Alfaro Calderón XML (Español) PDF (Español)
Cause-Effect Analysis in the Public University: The Case of the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo Sergio García-Huerta, M.C., Antonio Kido-Cruz, Dr. XML (Español) PDF (Español)
The Forgotten Effects on Fishing Cooperatives in Altata Bay Gerardo Eloy Soto Ruiz, Victoriana Valenzuela Flores, Anna María Gil-Lafuente, Kenia Sanchez Valenzuela XML (Español) PDF (Español)
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Mezcal Industry Produced in the Mexican States: a Data Envelopment analysis (DEA) Alejandro Rodríguez García, Alberto Ortiz Zavala XML (Español) PDF (Español)
Best International Practices in Terms of the Award of PPP Projects and Their Comparison in Mexico, block I, 2017 Eva Grissel Castro Coria, Rodrigo Gómez Monge XML (Español) PDF
Review of the Logical Framework: Conceptualization, Methodology, Variations and Applicability in Project and Program Management Lenith Cárdenas Torrado, Nubia Estella Cruz Casallas, Numar Álvarez Cardona XML (Español) PDF (Español)
Sustainability Factors in the Face of COVID-19 in the State of Puebla, Mexico Pablo Sigfrido Corte Cruz XML (Español) PDF (Español)