Corporate social responsibility: an analysis from sustainability Jhancarlos Gutierrez-Ayala PDF (Español) XML (Español)
Organic Agriculture in Michoacan, Mexico: Sustainability Evidence Priscila Ortega Gómez, Zoe Tamar Infante Jiménez , Araceli Lira Chávez XML (Español) PDF (Español)
Bibliometric Study of the Innovation and Marketing of Services in the Restaurant Industry Mauro Alejandro Monroy Ceseña PDF (Español) XML (Español)
Study of the Quality of Work Life and the Collateral Effects of COVID-19 on Workers of Universities in the State of Sonora, Mexico Celia Yaneth Quiroz Campas, Esmeralda Hadar García, Alberto Galván Corral, Carlos Jesús Hinojosa Rodríguez PDF (Español) XML (Español)
International Trade and Maritime Transport in North America: An Analysis of Productivity and Foreign Direct Investment María Guadalupe Cortés-Medina , Irma Cristina Espitia Moreno , Dalia García-Orozco, Oscar V. de la Torre-Torres PDF XML
Analysis of the Comparative Advantage in World Biofuel Production Miriam Edith Pérez-Romero, Jorge Alberto Azuara-Jiménez, Donaji Jiménez-Islas, Ignacio Ventura-Cruz, Martha Beatriz Flores-Romero PDF (Español) XML (Español)
A Bibliometric Review of the Literature on Social Innovation Blasa Celerina Cruz-Cabrera, Brenda Dennís Valadez-Solana, Juan Regino-Maldonado, Jorge Antonio Acevedo-Martínez, Maricela Ríos-Castillo PDF (Español) XML (Español)