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Diagnosis of TPACK of initial computer science training students: lesson study in the Colombian Caribbean


The objective of this study was to diagnose the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) in computer science teachers in training (5 units of analysis) during their participation in Lesson Study (LS). A qualitative-interpretative methodology with case study design was used, employing questionnaires, interviews, observations, focus groups, documentary review and audiovisual record to analyze and understand TPACK. The results indicate that Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) is used more frequently in the planning and during the development of the class, while Pedagogical Knowledge (PK) is highlighted in the moment of reflection. It is concluded that the combination of TPACK with LS constitutes an important alternative to develop the basic knowledge of TPACK (pedagogical, content, technological) through a collective and reflexive process based on curricular and didactic experimentation of real situations faced by teachers in training.


TPACK, lesson study, teacher trainees, pedagogical practice

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Author Biography

Ángel Alfonso Jiménez-Sierra

Licenciado en Informática, Magíster en Tecnología Educativa

Jorge Mario Ortega-Iglesias

Licenciado en Informática, Doctor en Educación.

Yilmar Daniel Polo-Altuve

Licenciado en Informática.

Yeison Andrés Duica-Galofre

Licenciado en Informática, Magíster en Tecnología Educativa.


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