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The Memoirs of Emma Reyes and Flora Tristán: Outcasts or Pioneers?


This paper is based on the reflections of the memories of two extraordinary outcasts of our America. On the one hand, Emma Reyes reminds us of the childhood/experience relationship in her letters in Memory by correspondence. They are brief letters that, beyond a certain affective confession, represent stories as a figure of a painful genesis that invite us to immerse ourselves in the procedures of language mediation in suffering, and to realize the experience of grief. While, two centuries before, Flora Tristan, another declassed and fervent social fighter published in France her memories, Peregrinations of a Pariah. Some interpretations are considered in the light of Giorgio Agamben's text, Infancy and History, on the mute experience of childhood, some articles by Mario Vargas Llosa are also discussed.


Emma Reyes, Flora Tristan, memory, childhood, experience, language

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Author Biography

Susana Ynés González Sawczuk

Professor of the Department of Philosophical and Cultural Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Economics, Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Medellín. Professor of History at the Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires (Argentina). She holds an advanced diploma in Social Sciences from FLACSO, Argentina, and a PhD in Literature from the Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil). Her thematic and research interests include Latin American literature, story rhetoric, fiction and criticism, fiction and memory, spaces of subjectivity. Her publications include Ficción y crítica en la obra de Piglia (2008).

Yobenj Chicangana-Bayona

Professor of the Department of History, Faculty of Humanities and Economics at Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín. Historian from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana and film technician from the Universidade Estácio de Sá (Brazil); MA and PhD in History from the Universidade Federal Fluminense (Brazil). He is the author of the book Imagens de canibais e selvagens do Novo Mundo. Do maravilhoso medieval ao exótico colonial (século XV-XVII) (Editora Unicamp, 2017) and editor of El oficio del historiador. Reflexiones metodológicas en torno a las fuentes (Bogotá: Universidad de los Andes, 2019).



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