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Susy, secretos del corazón. Criticism to the Loving Discourse from the Poetic Voice


This article analyzes how the poetry collection Susy, secrets of the heart (1989) by the argentine poet, playwright and cultural manager Susana Villalba (Buenos Aires, 1956) establishes a critical dialogue with the comic strip of the same name, published in the sixties and seventies in Latin America. The collection of poems also dialogues with other cultural references, based on a process of enunciation that makes evident the social constructs that seek to define and establish femininity. The critical position of the text emerges when manifesting how the experience of romantic love in women is codified. From the poetic discourse, from the use of textual mechanisms related to collage and pastiche, an open, mobile, multiple, playful poetic voice is generated that unfolds to reveal the social in the construction of subjectivity.


poetic voice, criticism, romantic love, enunciation, subjectivity, femininity

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Author Biography

Julieta Gamboa Suárez

PhD in Latin American Studies (field of Literature and Literary Criticism) from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, her research interests include Latin American women's poetry in the second half of the 20th century, feminist literary theory and criticism, and the intersections between gender, poetry and culture. Author of Las fisuras del lenguaje. Discursos feministas y representaciones críticas en la poesía latinoamericana de los ochenta (CIEG/UNAM, Mexico, 2022).


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