The significance of the production and dissemination of the university researcher.

The objective of this article is to determine the significance of the production and dissemination of the researcher for their incorporation and/or permanence in the National System of Researchers (SNI). The methodology applied was mixed (quantitative -qualitative), and a multiple-choose questionnaire on a Likert scale whith a complemented response was applied to a sample of 53 researchers. The information generated graphs for descriptive analysis with Excel. The results show a commitment to produce (books, articles, book chapters) from the frontier of knowledge, determined to improve their quality and be published in highly prestigious publishers. Likewise, these are foun in databases such as: Scopus, Web Of Science, Ebsco, JCR, Latindex, Google Scholar and institutional repository. In conclusion, the researcher must be supported with resources from the institution itself, from the quality training itself, in order to generate better conditions in the process of incorporation into the SNI and contribute to the scientific and technological development of the state and from the country.
Researcher, production, publication, transcendence, dissemination
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