Economic Research Output among the Shanghai Cooperation Organizations (SCO) Countries - A Scientometric Analysis

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), the political and economic alliance of countries in the Eurasian region, has a significant role in the economic development of its member nations. This study examines the research performance of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which was assessed using the cite space software, with all data retrieved from the Web of Science (WoS) database. A Total of 810 publications were taken from the Web of Science database for analysis. The study analysed the broad features of economic research output, focusing on Top cited institutions, different subject areas, top country-wise contributors, top authors, journals, etc. The study found that being an economic cooperation treaty like the Shanghai organization, the economic cooperation and economic research output were revealed and discussed for the first time in worldwide references. The analysis of citation counts highlights the dominance of Chinese institutions in terms of research impact. The Chinese Academy of Sciences stands out as the most cited institution, indicating its significant contribution to the economic research output among the SCO countries. The areas of interest within the economic research output of the SCO countries are environmental sciences and studies, followed by green and sustainable science and technology, public and occupational health, economics, and interdisciplinary mathematics applications.
JEL Codes: F5, O5, O4
Received: 14/12/2023. Accepted: 26/05/2024. Published: 28/06/2024.
Scientometric, Shanghai Cooperation Organizations, SCO Countries, Economic research output
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