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Motor development and physical activity in children of primary fifth Technical and Industrial Institute Chiquinquirá


The general objective of this investigation pretends to find the relationship between motor development and physical activity in fifth grade students of Industrial Technical Julio Florez, in Chiquinquirá Colombia. This study analyzed the results of nine tests driving test battery Eurofit and quantification of physical activity with QAPACE questionnaire in a sample of 181 students (75 girls and 106 boys) aged between 9 and 12 years.  The data obtained showed that the corresponding measurements to most physical tests show significant differences depending on gender, except for balance and flexibility. Children showed better performance in physical tests than girls. In the amount of physical activity, children recorded higher values than girls in them a tendency to decrease in this quantity with increasing age was noted, whereas in girls the amount of physical activity is slightly constant in terms the increasing age. Finally, to perform the Pearson correlation to a level of significance of 5% was found for most variables coefficients are positive, but small (Balance r = 0.025, explosive strength r = 0.063, trunk strength r = 0.086 isometric force r = 0.087 and cardiorespiratory endurance r = 0.013), reflect a direct but weak relationship showing that children who practice greater amounts of physical activity show slightly better motor conditions in these areas.


motor development, children, physical activity, reproducibility of results.

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Author Biography

Fernando javier Avila Correa

Docente ocasional de tiempo completo , adscrito al programa de extensión de la licenciatura de educación fisica recreacion y deporte Chiquinquirá.


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