Self-Image, Self-Concept and Self-Esteem, Emotional Perspectives for the School Context
The paper presents some aspects of the intrapersonal field in the school context, from three sections: Emotional Intelligence in the School Context, which shows the importance of EI for people, in this case, for teachers, students and the other people who intervene in the educational processes, in addition, it is emphasized that the school is fundamental for its expression, interaction and development; Self-image, Self-concept and Self-esteem, fundamental aspects for learning, where fundamental aspects are raised regarding the incidence of these three dimensions for the processes of learning and development of thought, which are privileged with interpersonal relationships; Self-image, Self-concept and Self-esteem of teachers, dedicated to highlighting the relevance of this intrapersonal area for the personal, work and social well-being of teachers and for school success; Finally, it concludes with a final Reflection, where the relevance of addressing the development of socio-emotional skills is pointed out both in school and in teacher training.
emotional intelligence, self-image, self-concept, self-esteem, teachers
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