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Philosophy for children and philosophy with children: an inspiring experience in thinking about mathematics


The article presents the results of the project Transformation of mathematics learning from philosophy for/with children, developed at the Institución Educativa Agropecuaria el Escobal, in the municipality of Ramiriquí. The objective was to analyze the contribution of Philosophy for/with Children in the mathematics learning process of the participating students. The research method was qualitative with a critical-social approach. The study was developed in four moments: theoretical approach, documentation of the need, application of the experience and analysis. The results are divided into four sections: voices to think about mathematics, making thoughts and dialogues visible; a space for emancipation and autonomy, which exposes interests and ways of understanding mathematics; the care of oneself, of the other and of the other present in mathematics and philosophy makes factors implicit in the mathematical situations presented visible; the learning communities. An experience with mathematics emphasizes collaborative work, philosophical dialogue, questioning and investigating. In conclusion, it is possible to strengthen the learning process of mathematics through philosophizing.


teaching mathematics, teaching philosophy, childhood, philosophy for children, philosophy with children

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