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The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Scientific Research


Objective: To show the current uses and possibilities of artificial intelligence in scientific research, aiming to shed light on emerging practices.

Originality/contribution: The contribution of this review study lies in presenting a comprehensive global overview of current trends in the utilization of AI for research purposes.

Methodology: A qualitative systematic review is conducted through documentary research, highlighting the primary current uses of artificial intelligence in scientific research.

Information gathering strategies: The chronological reference point for this documentary review was established through: 1. Source survey: selecting key sources that delve into the topic; 2. Theoretical review: identifying the most relevant sources; 3. Comparison: Comparing and organizing selected sources using cards and author matrices; 4. Interpretation: Analyzing the main theoretical references; 5. Conclusions: Highlighting the most significant aspects of the subject.

Conclusion: Researchers must not only learn how to use artificial intelligence but also do so responsibly and ethically, considering the social impacts that may arise from the results of their AI-supported research.


Scientific research, artificial intelligence, innovation, trends

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Author Biography

Luz Bety Díaz Subieta

Docente investigadora. Maestría de Educación UNIMINUTO,


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