Childhoods on the Roblox Gaming Platform: Transformations and Continuities in Ways of Playing and Being a Child
Informed by theoretical and methodological frameworks from Latin American cultural studies of childhood, digital humanities, and digital platform studies, this analysis examines the techno-discursive formations that shape and reshape conceptions of childhood within video game environments. Beginning with a concise overview of cultural studies of childhood in Latin America, digital humanities, digital discourse analysis, and platform studies, it establishes the groundwork for exploring the techno-discourses circulating through video games. Focusing on the experiences of children and adolescents in digital contexts and drawing on examples from TikTok and YouTube, the discussion then moves to the Roblox gaming platform as a key site for investigating how children participate in constructing the meanings of being a child online. Through this lens, it becomes possible to trace both the transformations and continuities in prevailing understandings of childhood that emerge within these digital spaces.
childhood, discursive digital analysis, videogames, digital humanities
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