Evaluation of Spatial Accessibility Levels Through Infrastructure Based Models. Case study, Department of Nariño, Colombia

Transportation is essential for the socioeconomic functioning and integration of regions and territorial spaces where the existence, quality and efficiency of the infrastructure network that allows both the mobility of people and the marketing of products and services, have a direct influence on the competitiveness of a region. Accessibility has been defined as the ease of reaching a specific place from another place, as well as the way in which spatial development and transportation allow individuals to reach a place in space by means of a specific type of transportation. The Nariño department - Colombia is characterized by having a complex transportation network, where its layout is determined by high mountain topography and steep slopes, evidencing a problem of the absence of transportation infrastructure, as well as rough connectivity conditions (accessibility) and network operation. The objective of the analysis is to evaluate the levels of spatial accessibility through the implementation of indicators based on infrastructure, specifically the indicator of density and integral route factor at the municipal level, starting with the characterization of the network structure, composed of municipal capitals (nodes) and the road network (arches), followed by the modeling of indicators through the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), implementation of spatial interpolation techniques and exploratory data analysis. The results obtained allowed us to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages that the different Municipalities have regarding spatial accessibility given their geographical position and available transportation infrastructure.
Palabras clave
accessibility, competitiveness, connectivity, transportation, road network , geography
Biografía del autor/a
Daniel Mauricio Goyes Chaves
Candidato a Doctor en Ingeniería: Énfasis en Ingeniería Industrial, Universidad del Valle, Colombia.
Ciro Jaramillo Molina
Doctor en Ingeniería de Transporte, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Escuela de Ingeniería Civil y Geomática, Universidad del Valle, Colombia
Carlos Alberto Arango Pastrana
Doctor en Organización industrial y Gestión de Empresas, Universidad de Sevilla, Departamento de Administración y Organizaciones, Universidad del Valle, Colombia.
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