Variability of rainfall intensity between 1930 and 2010 in the central region of the State of Mexico
The climate change has generated significant changes in local climate conditions.The objective of this investigation is to analyze the changes that have occurred in the intensityof the rain in the central region of the State of Mexico. To develop the investigation, anarea with homogeneous precipitation was identified and information was obtained from themeteorological stations present on the site. 24-hour rain records from meteorological stationswere categorized and with them a daily precipitation index was developed; simismically,parameters such as: daily evaporation, maximum daily temperature and minimum dailytemperature were analyzed. Data was grouped by time (decades) and space (municipalities).With the temporal data, a trend analysis was carried out using the Mann-Kendall statisticaltest and the correlations between atmospheric variables were analyzed. An analysis was carriedout with the spatial data using the Moran I index. The results show that light precipitation,moderate precipitation and the daily evaporation rate show a significant downward trend;accordingly, the average maximum daily temperature shows a significant trend towards alza;regarding spatial analysis, daily evaporation was the only variable that presented significantevidence of positive spatial autocorrelation. In conclusion, the average daily precipitationin the central region of the State of Mexico has been similar in recent decades; however,significant changes are occurring in its intensity.
Trend analysis, climate change, evaporation, precipitation, temperature
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