Abiotic stress caused by foliar applications of boron to the yellow diploid potato (Solanum tuberosum, Group Phureja) cultivar Criolla Galeras

Foliar applications of boron (B) constitute a frequent practice in the fertilization of the yellow diploid potato and are generally done with excessive and empirical doses generating toxicities in crops. The effect of foliar applications of B at doses of 0, 0.5, 1.2, or 4 kg ha-1 was determined for physiological and metabolic variables and toxicity symptoms in the yellow diploid potato cultivar Criolla Galeras under greenhouse conditions using Na octaborate (20.5% B, 11% Na) or boric acid (17.5% B) as sources of B. Significant differences (P<0.05) were found between the sources and doses for dry matter (DW), leaf area (LA), proline content, and electrolyte leakage (ECh). The highest toxicity was observed for B applied as sodium octaborate at concentrations of 2 and 4 kg ha-1 B with a reduction of DM up to 40%, a decrease of LA up to 90%, a loss of 60% in ECh, and a significant increase in the concentration of proline (65 μmol/g fresh weight). The lower toxicity of boric acid at doses higher than 2 kg ha-1 B indicated that the octaborate Na presented synergism with B, which can result in a greater oxidative stress, causing instability of the membranes, necrosis and premature tissue death, as evidenced in the description of the visual symptoms. The doses of 0.5 and 1.0 kg ha-1 B for both sources resulted in positive responses in the DW and non-significant (P<0.05) differences with the control, associated with the levels of proline and ECh, which indicated a narrow range between the deficiency and toxicity of B for cv. Criolla Galeras, where the effect of the accompanying ion must be considered in the selection of the boron source.
Sodium borate, Boric acid, Fertilizer induced injury, Boron toxicity, Oxidative stress, Proline
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