Human rights: their presence in Colombian Constitutions. Part I About the analysis of content of the texts corresponding to the Constitutions of 1886 and 1991 Miguel Ángel Sierra-Baena, Alonso Sierra-Londoño, Óscar de Jesús Zapata-Ocampo PDF (Español)
Ineffective way of legal enforceability to substant iate and resolve trials of liability and punish crimes a gainst humanity in the Bolivian legal system Misael Christian López-Medina PDF (Español)
Child population in forced displacement situationin Colombia and its manifestations of citizenship Luz Haydeé González-Ocampo, Matías Bedmar-Moreno PDF (Español)
Special protection for workers in mattersof social security Mariah Angélica Hernández-Montenegro, Mónica Jimena Reyes-Martínez PDF (Español)
Health as public service or right in the businessbetween private actors of the Colombian healthsystem Fred G. Manrique- Abril PDF (Español)
The principle of fraternity in the correlate of thehuman rights and the social State of law: towards theconstruction of the state of the art of the principle offraternity in the law Lizeth Judith Chocontá-Solano PDF (Español)
Litigants Instruction, of Antonio de Paz y Salgado:an alternative non-judicial model to resolve conflicts Rafael Antonio López-Murcia PDF (Español)
The presidential re-election in Latin America: abreakthrough into warlordism and a setback fordemocracy Carlos Alfonso Cárdenas-Hernández PDF (Español)
Enabling environments for the exerciseof democracy in school José Eriberto Cifuentes-Medina PDF (Español)
The international responsibility of the Statefor the delay in a judicial decision making.(Case García Mateos against Spain) Daniel Rigoberto Bernal-Gómez PDF (Español)
njunctions in class action for the protection of thetransgenerational right to environment “water resources» Nicolás Andrés Pedraza-Huertas PDF (Español)
DMG case: State responsibility suitableof compensation for group action Luis Bernardo Díaz G. PDF (Español)
The security forces and the police in the Colombian post-conflict Carlos Julio Martínez-Becerra PDF (Español)
Examination of weighting for the protectionof the fundamental rights of children Pedro Luis Lizcano-Amézquita PDF (Español)