ELT Collaborative Materials: A Pedagogical Proposal for Paraguay

This project examines the efficacy and applicability of providing pedagogical materials to English language educators in Paraguay. The proposed materials are designed to enhance language proficiency, critical thinking, an understanding of the relationship between global and local perspectives on language and culture, empathy, and social awareness among students in Paraguay. The project was conducted in the departments of Alto Paraná and Caaguazú with nine in-service English teachers from public and private schools and teacher training institutes. The research encompasses the following cities: Ciudad del Este, Presidente Franco, Minga Guazú, Coronel Oviedo, and San José de los Arroyos. The instruments utilized to gather the data necessary for this qualitative study were surveys, focus groups, and semi-structured interviews. The study was based on the principles of participatory action research and collaborative design of materials, a process known as co-design. The results underscore the effectiveness and relevance of designing materials in collaboration with English language teachers and adding linguistic aspects of locality and cultural components
ELT, pedagogical materials, collaborative materials
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