EFL Teacher Education Proposal Addressed at Pre-Service Teachers in Paraguay

The purpose of this article is to describe the design process of an educational proposal for pre-service teachers of English as a Foreign Language (EFL). The main objective was to integrate language learning with teaching methodology so that pre-service teachers would be able to teach English in elementary schools by the end of their initial teacher training. This study was conducted at the Centro Regional de Educación Juan E. O' Leary, at Nivel Formación Docente in Concepción, Paraguay. The reflections, understandings, and experiences of the academic community members were examined through a thematic analysis. The results of the diagnosis revealed shortcomings in the current EFL training program, particularly in its curricular design. In response, a new design process was initiated, aimed at integrating language acquisition and teaching practices. This was achieved by increasing face-to-face classroom training time in the new syllabus, reconceptualizing teaching content, and reorienting pedagogical methods.
initial teacher education, EFL, TEYL, loop input
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