Paraguayan Pedagogical Coordinators: “The Path from Fear to Hope in Network”

In the Collaborative Networks Project in Paraguay, regulated by Ministerial Resolution No. 145 of 2022, school teachers share their pedagogical practices based on the observations and comments of the pedagogical coordinators. This investigative article aims to reveal, through narratives, the experiences of four during the development of the project. Questionnaires and in-depth interviews were used for data collection. The result of one of the themes refers to the changes in the perception of the pedagogical coordinators and classroom teachers regarding this project. The conclusions of this research show that the beginning of the project was tense, but it evolved thanks to the change in attitude and the teamwork of all the teachers. In other words, the project experienced a process of change from fear to hope in the network.
collaborative networks, pedagogical coordinators, experiences, fear, hope, narrative studies
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